Exercício de Inglês: Subject Pronouns

Preencha o espaço em cada sentença com o subject pronoun (pronome sujeito) apropriado: SHE, HE, YOU, THEY ou WE.

Clique em "Verificar" para ver o que você acertou.
As respostas corretas estão no fim do exercício.
(Mary and Carla) go to school together.

- Are Brazilian too?
- No, I'm from Portugal.

(Julia and Mike) are good friends.

Anthony is a student, but goes to a different school.

(My family and I) live in Ohio.

(Claudia and her friends) are from Germany.

- I'm a teacher. What about ?
- I'm a teacher too.

My mother is German, but speaks English too.

(Jane, Steve and I) go to the movies every weekend.

(My friends and Laura) are coming to the party.

RESPOSTAS: THEY go to school together // Are YOU Brazilian too? // THEY are good friends // HE goes to a different school // WE live in Ohio // THEY are from Germany // What about YOU? // SHE speaks English too // WE go to the movies // THEY are coming to the party